Monday, July 5, 2010

Me And My Girls - Part I - The Most Exciting/Confusing/Happy/Stressful/Beautiful Weekend Of My Life

I am a proud husband and daddy. God has truly blessed me with these 3 beautiful girls! Here's just a little bit of history behind the girls in my life. In a three part series called Me And My Girls.


You have already heard a little about my relationship with Christy, but it was more about our struggles. I want to tell you the whole story. And mainly the beginning happy stuff! :-)

I met Christy Hoit at around 8 AM on a February morning in 2005. I had seen her around before. Mainly in marching band. Up until this point, all she was to me was an attractive trumpet player that I had never spoken to before. Very attractive I might add! I went to Foy Student Union on the campus of Auburn University to get some breakfast that morning. At this point in time in my college career I was reeling. I NEVER woke up this early. I had a rehearsal at 7 that morning, and didn't have another class until 9 am, so I had some time to kill. I also needed to go get a new student ID, so across campus I went. This was the first and only time all semester that I went to Foy, and who knew in that moment I would meet the love of my life!

When I got to the cafeteria I ran into my good friend Jeremy who was sitting with hot trumpet chick. I knew her name, because a lot of my close friends were friends with her, but I had never actually met this girl. I introduced myself, and when she said "I'm Christy," I responded with "I know." Not creepy at all right!
We had a great 30 minutes of conversation. Mainly about sports. That's when I knew this was something worth pursuing!

At the time, I was actually talking with another girl, Amanda. I met this girl online through Facebook and AIM, and also shared the marching band link with her as well. Well that thing didn't pan out. (In the meantime I had reached out to Christy on the college only version of Facebook. She was a very interesting person, and I had to know more!) To make things confusing, after the thing with Amanda didn't work out, her best friend (also named Christy, so we will call her Christy C), decided that she needed to come talk to me about the whole Amanda situation. Well this turned into a make out session followed by a relationship that came out of nowhere. Christy C and I actually had a great time together. It was a very physical and goofy relationship. But I never felt in love with her. To make things more confusing, I now had a girlfriend at a time when I was about to be transferring to the University of Alabama. I know right! How could I possibly consider transferring from Auburn to Alabama!

The transfer was already in the works. I had scheduled my scholarship audition, my transfer was accepted, and I was on my way out of Auburn. Sometime in March, I decided that I had to end the newly serious relationship that I had had with Christy C. It was a tough one to end, because there was a lot of emotions during those 3 weeks or so, but it had to be done. I wasn't prepared for a long distance relationship, and I liked this girl alot, but I wasn't sure that I loved her.

In the meantime I had been becoming good friends with Christy via Facebook and AIM, before the days of FB chat! We hadn't really seen each other much if any since that February morning, but again, I was so intrigued by her that I had to keep talking to her. She invited me to come to Auburn Christian Fellowship with her several times, which I had declined, mainly because I didn't think it would be appropriate considering the new relationship I was in with Christy C. Well, once I ended things with Christy C, I didn't see anything wrong with accepting her offer, and off I went to ACF. I went a couple times and had really enjoyed myself. I started feeling really connected with this girl. Like really connected. So much so that when the upcoming Pep Band Trip to Atlanta bus pairings came up, we decided to be bus buddies!

Well this weekend I had a dilemna. I was supposed to be in two places at once. This happened to me all the time at Auburn, because I was in so many ensembles. Pep Band was taking me to Atlanta for the SEC tourney on Thursday - Saturday, and Auburn Singers was taking me to Dothan and Montgomery on Friday - Sunday. Well, we really sucked in basketball that year, so I figured that we would lose on Thursday, and if I could drive myself, I could easily make it to Dothan and meet up with singers on Friday. Problem was I had no car. :-( So I asked my ex, Christy C if I could borrow hers. I didn't know what else to do. This is when I did probably the most awkward thing ever, and invited Christy H to ride with me to Atlanta. In my ex's car! Oh well, it had to be done, and I didn't want to ride by myself.

So Christy and I drove up to Atlanta with the bus. We stopped at Chick-Fil-A on the way, and had a great meal together. I think this is went the sparks started flying. The week before, Christy had asked a friend of hers that she really liked named Andy (funny right?) to go to formal with her. I stood by in support, but I really didn't support it. I wanted to take her, but wasn't in the position to, and didn't really want a GF at the time because of the transfer, so I just sat back and watched. So even though I felt the sparks, I was skeptical.

We got to the hotel, and could not be torn apart. So much so that we split off from the group and just talked in the lobby of the hotel. For hours! We decided to explore the hotel. We somehow found ourselves in the pool, In the women's locker room, we left no room unturned in that place! (It was the Westin at Lenox Square if you were wondering.) We even ventured up the suite level of the hotel. Some guy asked if we wanted to go up there while we were on the elevator and swiped his key, and off we went. We went up there and the door to the largest suite in the building was wide open! So naturally we had to go in! It was dark, and all of a sudden Christy comes running around the corner and is like someone is in there! I didn't believe her, so I went to see, and sure enough, there was a girl laying on a bed, butt naked! Well we ran out of there as fast as possible! We returned to lobby, where she gave me her old gum for some reason. After another hour or so of talking, we retired for the night, in seperate rooms of course. It was a band trip!

That night, I couldn't sleep. I had just had the most interesting, exciting, and fun night that I had had in a very long time, and all of it was with a hot girl who was quickly becoming my best friend! I forgot to tell you that Auburn won that night, and now I really had to be in two places at once. So I had to choose. Stay and play with Pep Band, or leave in the morning and go play with singers. I was certainly more replaceable in pep band, then singers, but I could not leave that place. I had to see this Christy thing through. Something told me to stay. The next day we spent hanging out at the mall and having fun with friends. Auburn lost that night, to LSU and Big Baby Davis, and Christy and I ended up fighting with our elbows and laughing the rest of the night on the bed in one of the rooms. Other people in there of course!

So the next morning I had to leave by myself to head to Auburn , to return Christy C's car, and hop in my brother's. I was really confused about what had happened that weekend. I knew it was good, and I knew that I hadn't felt this feeling in a very long time. Not since high school actually. I was seriously head over heels in love with Christy. But she had a date. And I seriously didn't know what was going to happen. I spent the entire Singers trip talking with my friend Breigh about what I should do. Should I talk to Christy about my feelings? Or just let it go? Well I couldn't let it go! And Breigh wouldn't let me let it go! My decision was made much easier when I got a text from Christy that said that Andy had called her and said he couldn't go to the formal with her. Well, I naturally stepped in and asked her. I'm pretty sure I was awkward about it, but I didn't care! And she said yes!

As the weekend of my life had come to as close I was full of all kinds of emotions. I was SO happy, and SO excited about this possibility. And then there was the transferring thing. What do I do about that? I knew that could wait. I had to see this through! Christy and I set up a "date" for the following Monday night. I put quotations because it was watching a movie at my trailer, and my brother was present! Not really much of a date. Well, we couldn't keep our hands off of each other. My bro went into the back room, and we finally talked about our feelings! But Christy wouldn't commit, she said, I need a couple of days to think about this. AHHH!!! I was so worried. Until the next day when I got a phone call while I was walking back to my house from Tiger Transit. And she said yes again! She wanted this relationship just as much as I did! I won't lie. I didn't walk home, I skipped home! Pretty gay I know! Especially considering that I was a 220 lb guy at the time. Imagine if I did it now at 260! But in that moment I was overcome with so much joy, that I had to express it! Pretty sure I cried too! The most exciting/confusing/happy/stressful/beautiful weekend of my life had culminated in Christy and I truly falling in love!

The rest is history folks! We were inseparable after that! I cancelled my transfer. There was no way I could leave this girl. Of course it left some explaining to do with Christy C, who of course thoroughly hated me now, but I couldn't help it. When you fall for the love of your life you fall hard. Three days in to my relationship with Christy, I knew that I was going to be spending the rest of my life with this girl! I had no idea where life would lead us. I practically destroyed my career plans, and had no idea what would happen there, but I knew that I would be doing it with Christy Hoit! And here we are now, Andrew and Christy Killion! The rest of our story is full of ups and downs. That I could write for years about, but I will spare you! What got us through all those moments was the love that we had for each other, that began on this unforgettable weekend Atlanta, GA!

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